Here then are the best word processors for Mac that are excellent alternatives to Microsoft Word for Mac in order of ranking. Pages is also part of Apple iWork which is Apple’s alternative to Microsoft Office For Mac and includes Apple Numbers for spreadsheets and Apple Keynote for presentations. The closest thing to a free version of Word For Mac is Apple Pages, which can be downloaded for free from the Mac App Store. Note that Microsoft Office is currently being rebranded as Microsoft 365 but still includes Microsoft Word although you can still make a one off purchase of Microsoft Office For Mac. There is no free version of Microsoft Word For Mac although there are a few workarounds to use Microsoft Office for Mac for free which includes Microsoft Word. Is There A Free Version of Microsoft Word For Mac?

However, if you’re like me, and you have an aging (albeit fully functional, older Mac) then you need to pay full price ($20) for each of the the three iWork suites. All new Macs come with the complete iWork suite for free.